Ep. 347 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

A podcast to finally kill the “superhero fatigue” garbage that keeps popping up. This great movie gets a surprising animated discussion from two very different points of view. Who loves it and who just likes it? Listen in to find out, as well as hear all the Marvel connections in the film!

Ep. 340 Werewolf By Night

Bennett Brothers’ Werewolf By Night podcast
Halloween is here and with it, Marvel’s first Halloween special. Werewolf By Night is a new chapter for Marvel and we discuss it all. One of us likes it more than the other which leads to a great discussion that includes everything from Easter eggs to a listeners movie Flesheater to even a Giant Sized Man-Thing!
[audio https://dl.dropbox.com/s/6brlgr6xw18ho1j/Bennett%20Brothers%20podcast%20Ep%20339%20-%20She%20Hulk.mp3%5D